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Tramphollow is a hamlet near to Petestone. It has a population of 40 souls, and sits on two and a half acres surrounded by farmland. It is named for its' homeless founder who collapsed on the spot almost fifty years ago.

  • Widow Griselda, the hamlet's oldest inhabitant, has two rooms to rent to adventuring types. For a few silver she will provide food and board for a week. She is an accomplished baker, able to produce a single Awesome Pie with at least 48 hours notice, but a terrible cook. Her three sons, all named after her late husband Grinit, work the land most days but can be persuaded to do any sort of manual labor for coin or trade.
  • Sivart, is the town drunk. He is the last descendant of the founder of Tramphollow. Despite being borderline useless as a farmer, he is kept around because he acts as the night watchman and herald. Some say he can read and write like a scholar, but no one can confirm that rumor. For a few coppers, he will share any gossip he has about the environs in and around Petestone.
  • Zukerdog is a young, enterprising member of the community with big dreams of adventure. He works hard, but his utter lack of humility often proves to be his undoing.
  • Lile is an enigmatic businessman trading in things that are notable and/or dangerous in Petestone. Although he is often found in Tramphollow, he does not have a home there.

Other citizen farmers include: Chism, Sandoval, Theodoric

tramphollow.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/26 18:08 by andrew