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Baron Zander of Bromley

Baron Zander is a cold, efficient master of his ancient fief and deadly knight in combat. Despite several military and civil accomplishments, he has several negative character traits.

First, he is deeply suspicious of his Uncle, Sir Wilford of Bromley, local captain of Hydra Company of the Knights of Holy Shielding. Although Sir Wilford is as honest, devoted to vows and plain speaking as anyone could be, the fact that he has a claim to the barony eats away at Zander.

Second, while committed to protecting his barony, he doesn't really like it. He has a townhouse in Admundfort and his rental properties in that city probably bring him greater income. He spends as much time in the city as possible without appearing to be neglecting his duty. But, he isn't exactly friendly to the inhabitants, considering them to be unwashed bumpkins. Even the oldest of his household knights, Sir Badoc, is mocked behind his back as an old rube.

Third and finally, he is obsessed with returning the fief to its “proper size”, which may be well and good, but will go to some unsavory methods to achieve it. He has created a prison camp, for captured orcs, hobgoblins and others, where a group of unsavory bandit-renegades are using brutal methods to convert them into farm and building laborers to speed growth. He will pay 10gp a head for live size M humanoid prisoners or 5gp per live size S humanoids, for this project.

PC Zander Count
Hoborgs: 5

zander.1679324418.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/20 15:00 by dave