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Selling Loot in the Trimarch

  • Unordered List ItemGood Time Charlie's Trading Post is a good place to sell basic loot items.
  • The West Fudley Market is a good place to get rid of bulk food, drink, clothing and livestock.
  • There's a chance that the Barons of Bromley or Fudley would buy weaponry, warhorses or luxury goods in moderate amounts *50% chance to buy up to 500gp of such goods).
  • Of course, you can send almost anything to Marcello to be sold on his next trip to one of the nearby cities. There is, of course a 25% service fee, but he does pay in advance.
  • Of course, you can always make the trip to one of the nearby cities yourself.
  • There is absolutely no market for herbals in Gerk.
selling.1677633071.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/01 01:11 by dave