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Players have the option to post any Rumors and Lore collected in the game on this page. They may also add useful information discovered on adventures here.

Each player draws 1 Rumor card at the end of each session (found by one of his inactive or unactivated characters while the active character adventured). If a player has an inactive character who is a magic-user who has joined a guild or otherwise has library access, and/or is a cleric with ties to a local temple, he can draw a Lore card in addition to the rumor.

Active characters can spend time during a City Adventure to gather additional Rumors and Lore.


City-based Rumors

  • House Leo is trying to drive all of the half-orcs out of Dockville
  • Ramthor, the tavern keeper, is deeply involved in smuggling Essence of Krangor to avoid the import toll
  • The strange city group knowns as the Marvins is offering top gold for any magic items except scrolls
  • The Marvins collect magic items but don't seem to use them, and the sure are godless
  • House Cancer is offering 10 000gp for a breeding group of six crab people brought in alive
  • No Orc or half-Orc has ever come out of the guildhall of the Mystic Union alive
  • Children are disappearing randomly from Tantown and North Bridge
  • House Pisces is frantically collecting Bronze Elf artifacts of all sorts
  • House Gemini is said to be sitting on a huge stash of cash at a secret safe house in Weaverton - NOT ANYMORE!
  • The Temple of Mercy has closed its door to all but the most mundane activities. Maybe taken over by the Queen of Madness?

Countryside-based Rumors



  • Owlbear punch was invented by anti-clerical witches and was meant to be a cure-all. The chance of blindness is a myth!
rumors_and_lore.1644938895.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/15 15:28 by craig