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There are tales of a species of Atlantean ultra-predator that hibernates in the caverns of the new world. It resembles a scorpion, but it is easily the size of a house and it calls out to its victims luring them to their deaths with a voice that sounds like a wailing young woman or a child in pain.

AC 16 Resistance: 16
HP: 65
Move 40'
Morale: +0

Multiattack: The Scorphemoth may attack with both claws, or its tail unless it is flanked in which case it may attack with all three provided there is more than one target.

Claws: +10 to hit, 3D8 Slashing - Make a DEX check or lose a random limb from the table below. If the attack brings the target's hit points to zero, make a DEX check to see if they are decapitated and killed immediately.

Stinger: +10 to hit, 1D12 Piercing and the target is Poisoned = The target may make a CON check at the end of their turn to throw off the Poisoned condition. The target takes 2D6 poison damage at the beginning of each turn they remain Poisoned.

scorphemoth.1618421059.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/14 17:24 by andrew