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The world is filled with a great variety of monstrous creatures, not all of whom have the same origin or cause. Many result from interference in the world by the demons of Hell, others by wicked experiments of magicians and alchemists.

Disembodied Spirits: (Spirits)

  • Ghosts: the souls of dead mortals who have not yet departed and linger in the Spirit World.
  • Spirits: the inhabitants of the Spirit World, often associated with the Spiritual Aspects of features of the Mundane World.
  • Demons: these are evil-aligned spirits from the Second World, who constantly attempt to infiltrate the Mundane World, but who are often found in the Spirit World, as it is far easier to access.
  • Angels: these are the messenger-spirits sent by the powers of the Realm of Light.

Monsters by Intrusion of Evil Spirits into Bodies (Intruders)

  • The Blood-Embodied: evil rituals can give demonic spirits their own physical bodies, which can reproduce after a fashion, bringing more demons into the Mundane World. Common Examples are Imps and Pit Spawn.
  • Trolls: the term troll is a convenient label for creatures that arose from carnal relations between evil spirits and mortal creatures. The Biblical Nephilim would be a convenient synonym. These beings usually appear as misshapen or twisted versions of their mortal ancestor's species.
  • Undead: when a disembodied spirit (usually a demon, sometimes a ghost) possesses a corpse and gives it motion (but not actual life) and uses it as a puppet to interact with the world, it is called Undead.
  • Possessed: when a spirit controls a living being, whether through temporary control or by extinguishing or expelling its native spirt, the new creature is called possessed.


  • Atlantean Abominations: a creature, such as the dreaded Hooger, is one created by manipulating the bodies of various creatures to create horrible hybrid species that breed and spread across the world.
  • Magic Abominations: creatures, like dragons, are created when magical or demonic forces warp and transform natural creatures into huge monsters with unnatural powers.
monster_theory.1576242701.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/13 13:11 by dave