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Enchanted Rings

A character can wear/use only 2 rings at a time. All rings must be attuned before use.

NameCostLoadDurabilityEffectSpecial Ingredient
Ring of Air7500gp04wearer is immune to lightning damage, can fly at 60'/turn once per day for 1 hourair spirit caught in a soul gem
Ring of Boltsxxxgp04wearer can fire a bolt that does 3d6 points of force damage to any target within 100', but the wearer also suffers 1d4 points of force damage.
Rings of Communicationxxxgp04a matched pair of rings, useless without each other, the two people wearing the rings can silently communicate over any distance
Ring of the Deadxxxgp04the wearer is resistant to any attack made by the Undead or Ghosts. Wearer can attack incorporeal ghosts (only) with melee weapons at full effect.
Ring of Defense, lesserxxxgp04 the wearer's armor class and all defensive checks/saves are improved by 1
Ring of Defense, greaterxxxgp04 the wearer's armor class and all defensive checks/saves are improved by 2
Ring of Earth7500gp04wearer is immune to acid damage, can open a pit in the ground or hole in a stone wall once per day 10x10x10'ewrth spirit caught in a soul gem
Ring of Envisioningxxxgp04 if the wearer touches a wall or door, concentrates for 1 round, he can envision whatever lies on the other side of the barrier.
Ring of Fire7500gp04wearer is immune to fire damage, once per day can emit a 15' cone that does 5d8 points of fire damage (Dex check to dodge)fire spirit caught in a soul gem
Ring of Healingxxxgp04once per day, the wearer can heal all his own wounds as a quick action.
Ring of Invisibilityxxxgp04wearer takes an active action to activate ring, turns invisible on a successful Charisma Check. Invisibility lasts until wearer attacks, casts a spell or looses consciousness.
Ring of Keysxxxgp04ring has a small raised area, which if inserted into any lock with a key hole, will automatically open the lock instantly.
Ring of Reflectionxxxgp04 whenever the wearer is targeted by a spell that inflicts points of damage, roll a Charisma check, if it succeeds, the spell is reflected back onto its caster.
Ring of Sorceryxxxgp04 the first failed spell casting roll made during any given day does not count for preventing the caster from casting spells of that level.
Rings of Transpositionxxxgp04a matched pair of rings, useless without each other, wearers can instantly exchange positions, anywhere they are up to a mile apart, when one speaks the command word.
Ring of Water7500gp04wearer is immune to cold damage, once per day can breathe under water for 1 hourwater spirit caught in a soul gem
enchanted_rings.1579267622.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/17 13:27 by dave