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World Status: Member World

Class: 3–Agricultural
Population: 100 million
Atmosphere: human standard
Oceans: 65%

Export: Biocubes (high), biomass (high)
Import: mech cubes (high), power cubes (high), data cubes (high)

The Heat: 40%

Hendrix is an agricultural powerhouse dominated by huge mechanized plantations and clean, pleasant cities. The population is prosperous, but most people have sworn fealty to one of the corporate owned farm conglomerates.

The southern continent, however, is completely different from the rest of the world. It's called “The Dogmen Reserve” and is inhabited by humanoid canines who live in barbaric turmoil. The dogmen seem to have a mixture of common dog and human DNA, no doubt a product of a mad scientist from centuries past. Oh, God, let's hope so.

hendrix.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/17 01:27 by dave