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Morcar the Wanderer

Morcar is a Trimarch villager who left home and learned to be a priest of Istus in Ket. He returned to Fudley, where he briefly served Petrichor Silverleaf in an expedition against Hoborg miners but was discharged from his service after the one raid. Gnomelash! attempt to hire him the next month, but Morcar refused (probably racism).

Human, Cleric/Militant-1, Neutral Cleric of Istus
Sz M, Mv 30, Save 16 Attack +0

S-11, I-7, W-18, D-9, Co-13, Ch-15
+2 melee to hit, +1 save

Training: Spear-Fighting
Languages: Common
AC 14 (gambeson and shield)
Hp 6

Gear: gambeson, shield, pack, spear, wooden sacred symbol

XP: 250

morcar.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/10 15:03 by dave