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Herald Bartleby

Herald of Wudchester

Joined Sir John of Gerk's entourage in July 576. In August of that year, was named Herald of Wudchester

HERALD BARTLEBY (Mercenary): Herald of Wudchester
1 Herald, human, J3 x1 (Furyondy)–mercenary
Size M, HD 3d6, Move 30, Sv 17, AL N
Morale: 3d6, Attack +0,
AC: 15, Hp 12
Skills: Occupation (Herald), Bibliophile, Read Languages, Jockey, Militia Trained (mace, arming sword) Recruitment, Abject Flight, Tracking
Gear: Chain, Arming Sword (+0/1d6), food bag, pack, trumpet, mace, wine skin (4 pints), Flag on Pole

Horse (fast), Sz L, Mv 55 (+Jockey Bonus too!). Sv 18, HD 2d8, Hp 7, AC 11
90gp per month (man), 60gp/month (horse), +15gp/day in combat circumstances, +30gp/day dungeon
XP: 5700
Maintained through: February 577

bartelby.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/08 19:50 by dave