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Skill and Proficiency Catalogue

Characters receive various skills from their Family Backgrounds, Class and Archetypes, and sometimes from the Special Features deck. Additionally, all characters can choose any one skill they desire when they reach second level. Proficiencies express ability to use various arms and armor and are gained from Class and Archetypes.

Skills that are listed in boldface mean that if a character does not have the skill, he not only does not get his proficiency bonus to an attempt at the skill, but is also at disadvantage. Skill names that are underlined can only be attempted if you actually possess the skill.

Group Skill Use: If multiple people are trying the same task (searching for secret doors with Perception, Sailing a Boat, Tracking Varmints, etc) the character with the best score rolls the check, but gets advantage from the help of the others. That concept works in reverse as well. For example, in a group stealth check.


  • Acrobatics (Dex) – Used to escape grapples, move across vertical terrain, or move away from an armed combatant without drawing an attack of opportunity
  • Brewing (Wis) – Can make Unusual Drinks like “Liver Squeezings” from Gear Books
  • Alchemy (Int) – Can Make Alchemical Products
  • Appraisal (Int) – Used to learn the value of non-magical goods, services, and treasures
  • Arcana (Int) – Used to interpret magic effects, skill used to scribe Arcane scrolls, brew Arcane potions, and carve Arcane rune tools
  • Athletics (Str) – Used to initiate or escape grapples, climb, swim, or fight off exhaustion
  • Craft (Dex) – Choose a specific craft such as Blacksmith, Rope-Making, Weaving, Carpentry, etc
  • Deception (Cha) – Used to fool another in an interaction
  • Disguise (Cha) – Can make one's self look like someone different, or perhaps impersonate a specific person
  • Gambling (Int) – This check is used to know how to best win games of chance
  • Herbalism (Wis) – Used to identify herbs, collect and prepare herbal remedies and concoctions
  • Insight (Wis) – Used to tell if someone is telling an untruth or learn someone's true motives
  • Intimidation (Cha) – Used to coerce someone to do as you wish using threats
  • Investigation (Int) – Used to make sense of a particular situation, detect (but not disable) traps and secret doors, or research materials in a library
  • Lockpicking (Dex) – Used to open various sorts of locks, bars, and seals
  • Lore (Int): Choosing from the areas of Animals, Artifacts, Astrology, Geography, History, Law, Math, Monsters, Plants, and Spirits
  • Medicine (Int) – Used for stabilization and using healing kit
  • Occupation (Int) – Choose Specific Occupation, like Sailor, Money-Lender, Scribe (if the skill involves making physical objects, it is Craft, if it's carrying out a series of functions, it's Occupation)
  • Perception (Wis) – Used to notice specific details about one's environment
  • Poisoner (Dex) – Can make or harvest poisons as well as less chance of poisoning ones' self
  • Religion (Wis) – Used to know religious rites, theology, skill used to scribe divine scrolls and brew divine potions
  • Siegecraft (Int) – Knowledge of siege engines and mass combat
  • Pickpocket (Dex) – Sleight of hand skills such as the ability to lift something from another's person
  • Perform (Cha) – Choose four subskills from Singing, Dancing, Juggling, Speech-making, Acting, and individual Musical Instruments
  • Persuasion (Cha) – When you attempt to influence someone or a group of people with tact, social graces, or good nature when used in good faith
  • Riding (Dex) – Checks associated with horseback riding or animal handling
  • Stealth (Dex) – Staying quiet and hidden
  • Survival (Wis) – Used to follow tracks, hunt wild game, guide your group through wastelands, identify signs that monsters live nearby, predict the weather, or avoid natural hazards
  • Tactics (Int) – Used for giving orders, resolving attempts at ambushes and clever tactical moves to gain advantage
  • Traps (Dex) – Used to set, find, and deactivate traps, secret doors, or other hidden mechanisms


skills.1577805196.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/31 15:13 by andrew