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Lore: Pit Spawn creation is one method by which evil spirits can gain entry into the material world. A forbidden magic ritual and the sacrifice of black-skinned pigs or goats allows a demonic spirit to possess the blood and become a physical creature. Once they are established as physical creatures, they can reproduce their own kind in a hideous fashion. Once it has drunk sufficient blood, the Pit Spawn will dig a hole in the ground and drain blood from the veins of its arms into the pit, which will grow into a full -fledged Pit Spawn in several days. The bloodletting causes 1d6 hit points of damage to the Spawn, and sometimes kills it, which other Spawn find hilarious.

Pit Spawn look like shortish, twisted people with pig-like or goat-like faces and skin covered with mold and moss. Once in the world they take to wearing make-shift armor and to carrying heavy weapons of various sort.

All Spawn: their moss-like skin is tough, but brittle, making them resistant (half damage) to piercing attacks but vulnerable (double damage) to bludgeoning attacks. Pit Spawn count as Evil for all pertinent spell effects.


  • AC 13; HD 1; Hp 5; Speed 25'
  • Weak: -2: magic, lack of leadership, stealth
  • Normal: +2
  • Strong: +3: Str, Dex, combat, morale, unit discipline
  • Attack: -+3, melee weapon, 1d8 damage


  • AC 13; HD 4; Hp 17; Speed 30'
  • Weak: 0: Int, Dex, stealth, finesse, perception, tactics
  • Normal: +4
  • Strong: +6: Str, Con, morale, resistance, holding the line
  • Attack: -+4, melee weapon, 2d6 damage
pit_spawn.1575560888.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/05 15:48 by dave