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Making items of Orichalcum is a difficult, but rewarding process. Acquiring the proficiency is very difficult, one must have a +5 or better skill check in Craft (Armorer) or Craft (Goldsmith) skills, have collected 1 “Load” of Orichalcum metal, and have a working smithy (note the Orichalcum itself is not consumed in the learning process). One must devote oneself to the craft exclusively for quite some time. Each month of solid practice allows a Craft check. If one makes 3 successes before making 3 failures, one gains the Proficiency in Orichalcum smithing, if one does not, he gives up the process.

Someone with the proficiency can always detect whether metal is Orichalcum or some ordinary brass. He can also make some extraordinary, but not magical items. The required Orichalcum for making the object is equal to its Load value. It takes 1 week for each 1000gp of retail cost of the item to construct it.

Orichalcum Arrow1500gp0.15Ignores the AC value of non-magical mail or shield, reuseable
Orichalcum Spear or Lance30,000gp25Ignores the AC value of non-magical mail or shield
Orichalchum Dagger15,000gp15Ignores the Ac value of non-magical mail or shield
Orichalchum Flask7500gp0.55Impervious to all acids or other corrosive substances, can contain anything, even spirits if they can be somehow gotten in there
orichalcum_smithing.1580327763.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/29 19:56 by dave