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Irish Treehouse

This small ruined wooden defensive works was used by bandits as a base of operations for hijackings along the route from Jorvikburg to Worm's Ferry. It stands in a clearing amongst a tall stand of pine trees. About half a dozen of these trees have hidden guardposts used by the bandits to watch for danger and possible victims.

Since October 1130, Tariq has endeavored to rebuild the stockade and create a logging concern after finding a grove of rare ironwood trees in the forested hill just above the defensive works. Unfortunately, that same forest is the home of a mysterious cursed Irish druid who has amassed an army of monstrous spiders.

Tariq paid to complete the stockade and start a logging operation. He has paid for axes, furniture, a milling machine, hammers, saws, oxen, wagons as well as a stable to store livestock and equipment. A cabin was built to provide shelter for those who live and work at the stockade.

Once construction starts, it will take thirty days to complete the stockade and then another fourty-five to build out the barn and the cabin.

irish_treehouse.1617629753.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/05 13:35 by andrew