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Lore: Imp creation is one method by which evil spirits can gain entry into the material world. A forbidden magic ritual and the sacrifice of black-fleeced sheep allows a demonic spirit to possess the blood and become a physical creature. Once they are established as physical creatures, they can reproduce their own kind in a hideous fashion. Once it has drunk sufficient blood, the Imp will split into several smaller imps in an incredibly horrible fashion as far as onlookers are concerned, but which is ecstatically pleasurable to the imp.

Imps look like small, twisted people with bizarre, twisted features and vivid primary colored skin. Once in the world they take to wearing clothes and using tools and weapons. Imps come in 1/4 HD, 1/2 HD, 1 HD, and 2 HD strengths, beginning at 1/4 HD and growing in power until breaking apart into 1/4 HD implings again.

All Imps: are vulnerable to piercing damage (double) and immune to bludgeoning damage, since they are basically a stiff, sponge-like construction, soaked in blood.


  • AC 8; HD 1/4; Hp 1, Speed 30'
  • Weak: -2: CON, resistance, morale
  • Normal: +2
  • Strong: +2: Int, stealth,
  • Attack: -2 melee, teeth, 1d4 damage; +2 melee, teeth, 1d4+2 damage if attacking from stealth or in gang of 3 or more to one.


IMP (1 HD)


imps.1575496070.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/04 21:47 by dave