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Ibburim are angelic ghosts. They are angels of the recently dead, not having passed on to the Heavens. An Ibbur can be convinced to help mortals, but as ghosts the Ibbur may not care or want to help. Luckily they can be bargained with. Ibbur can be cajoled to temporarily take possession of a corpse and animate it, or they can be called upon to defend mortals from threats from the spirit world.

Some examples of bargains an Ibbur might make include:

  1. The spellcaster must promise to take a message to a living loved one.
  2. The spellcaster must promise to pay a regular retainer's wage to a living loved one or pay off a debt.
  3. The spellcaster must promise to get vengeance on the Ibbur's killer.
  4. The spellcaster must promise to finish the Ibbur's work whether it is a piece of art, a book, a song, or help get a business out of debt.
  5. The spellcaster must allow the Ibbur to temporarily possess a body to experience one last pleasure of the flesh such as drinking liquor, eating food, laughing at a joke, a passionate embrace, or even just taking one last breath of fresh air as they watch the setting sun.

Ghostly Ibbur

Ibbur summoned by a Kabbalist will typically have stats like this:

Ibbur (2 HD Brute) Disembodied Spirit, cannot physically attack or be attacked

AC: 9; HD 2 HP 9
Resistance: 9;
Mods: W -1/N+3/S+4
Speed: 35'
Morale: +4
Perception +3
Attack: +4 Damage: 1d10; (vs Spirits Only)
Spiritual Attack: -1, hit will provoke morale check 1d4 Intelligence Damage.
Invisible: cannot be seen in the Mundane World normally
While not considered evil or else they wouldn't heed the Kabbalist's summons, they might still be jerks
S+4, D-1 C+4, I-1 ,W+3,Ch+3

Ibbur Corpse Possession

An Ibbur animating a corpse might have stats like this:

Ibbur Possessed Corpse (2 HD Brute)

AC: 14 HD 2 HP 9
Resistance: 13; vs. magic 9
Mods: W-1/N+3/S+4
Speed: 30'
Morale: +4
Stealth -1, Perception +3
Attack: +4 Damage: 1d10 (or as weapon)

Undead, While not considered evil or else they wouldn't heed the Kabbalist's summons, they might still be jerks
Immune to Charms, Sleep, Hypnosis, Poison
As corpses, human NPC's must roll morale when encountering them
S+4, D-1 C+4, I-1 ,W+3,Ch+3

ibbur.1577543820.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/28 14:37 by andrew