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These creatures literally feed on powerful emotions and unbridled magic. They emerge from the world of faerie in places where the barrier between the two worlds is thin when they smell the sweet scent of delicious mortal failings and sorcery. They hunt for the chaos and emotion of mortals, and attempt to subdue them and drag them back into the faerie. There, the fear of mortals fertilizes disgusting fungal slimes on which they then feed and sell to other members of the fey for special favors. When they appear, feasters appear as a human-sized maggot-like body with a distressingly humanoid face and stubby arms.

Any creature struck by the feaster's claws must succeed at a WIS check or be infected with anxiety spores, which cause nervousness and muscle tremors.

Once every 3 rounds, a feaster can spew a spiritual fungal mass up to 30 feet, which explodes and coats all creatures within a 10-foot-radius burst with sticky filaments. Creatures other than feasters are entangled in the filaments and restrained if they fail a DEX check. An entangled creature can attempt to break free and end the condition with a successful CHA check.

The feaster projects an antimagic aura not unlike the spell.

feasters.1578932116.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/13 16:15 by andrew