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Dwarves are human-shaped entities that dwell in hills, mountains and in the earth, and is variously associated with wisdom, smithing, mining, and crafting. Dwarfs are sometimes described as short and ugly old men with long beards and poor eyesight. They are generally miserly loners, not interested in the travails of the outside world.

Dwarven magi are known for invading mortals' dreams and ransacking their personal lives for profit.

  • Umbral Dwarves

The dark dwarves who live in the dark tunnels and chimneys below the ground are the most rare and wealthy of dwarvenkind.

  • Hill Dwarves

The hill dwarves are the most friendly and thoughtful of dwarves. They are sometimes called gnomes for their fancy hats and gleefully mischievous disposition.

* Mountain Dwarves

While the dwarves of the mountain aren't as sinister and miserly as their Umbral kin, they are more thoughtful and serious than their hill dwarf brothers.

dwarves.1578972562.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/14 03:29 by andrew