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Unusual Drinks

Type Price per pint Notes
Boiling Grog 3sp

point, but decreases dexterity 2 points per drink|

Dead Berserker Ale 15gp

cleric spell, but only to dead berserkers). It is very potent, causing a -2 to all rolls for 1d6 hours.|

Gut Bruiser Brew 1sp

has a high alcohol content and is sharply deleterious to the stomach. Each drink requires a save vs. poison or it is immediately vomited. Usually used as part of a drink challenge to newcomers or rubes.|

Harvest Harp 1sp A favorite Irish stout ale, increases dancing skill
Hercu-Beer 5gp

drinkers to sleep soundly through the night, unwakeable except for Dispel Magic or Neutralize Poison. Heals 1d4 hit points during the 8 hours of rest.|

Liver Squeezings 2gp

in during fermentation. Cures 1d4 point of damage per drink, but there is a 5% chance (cumulative during each day) per pint of going permanently blind.|

drinks.1576118943.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/12 02:49 by andrew