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The Danish peoples are haunted, living amongst their long-dead ancestors who still roam the land as spirits and echoes. Most Danes in the New World live in the Earldom of Thorsland. Almost all of the immigrants to Thorsland are diehard pagans fleeing Denmark rather than convert to Christianity.

Primary Language: Norse. Secondary Language: English.

Add +2 to your INT attribute. Roll on the background event table below for an additional special feature.

Roll Event Attribute
1Born into a religious family you were given an education in astrology, philosophy and the basics of sorcery.Religion Proficiency
2Born into the warrior caste, you fought against rival cities to gain sacrifices for the Undying Lord of your City.
3Taken from the countryside at a young age, you were forced to work in the hidden Monastery of Lund, where you were abused and forgotten until you could plot revenge and gain your freedom.+2 permanent hit points
4After your twin died in a freak accident, you found that you could continue to hear his voice whisper in your ear giving you timely advice and keeping you safe.Reroll one D20 check per safe rest
5Your powerful spiritual ancestors have chosen you at a young age to continue their experiments from the grave.Create magic items at half cost
6You were raised in a noble court. Although pandered and privileged growing up, you developed a strong sense of your own power and destiny to rule.+1 CHA
7Growing up poor and alone, you would often play with your “imaginary friend”. They would tell you stories and scare the bullies away. Now that you study magic, you realize that this being you knew growing up was not imaginary after all.Re-roll a spell mishap one time per short rest
danish.1574692837.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/25 14:40 by andrew