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In the ruins of the great Atlantean cities, there can be found various items of interest and value that have a thriving export market.

ItemBase ValueLoadDurabilityNotes
Illumination Rod100gp14Without giving off heat or burning fuel, this metal rod emits light like a torch
Invisible Tape20gp1-A roll of this substance be used for a variety of uses such as field repairs of equipment or imperceptibly holding things in place
Atlantean Orb250gp0.53common gold orbs, some emit magic and evil
Spill-proof Cup75gp0.23It is impossible to spill liquid from this cup
Tarnish-proof hammer25gp14 this hammer always maintains a shining silver-like sheen, can be used as mace
Brass Scorpion7gp0.53Atlanteans loved their scorpions
Brass Scorpion, Large15gp13Atlanteans loved their big scorpions
Brass Scorpion, Broken1gp0.22 Atlanteans don't take care of their scorpions
Orichalcum Scorpion3000gp0.53 very difficult to tell from brass scorpion, disadvantage to appraisal or alchemy, 2500gp melt
Heated Spoon35gp0.022any food placed in this spoon is heated to a pleasant eating temperature
Poker of Atlantis50gp13 when shoved into a pile of kindling, will cause it to catch fire instantly
Atlantean Prosthetic Limb-13When cut to the appropriate length and placed against a stump, it instantly grafts to replace a lost arm, hand, or foot. Atlantean arms can replace either the left or right arm, as the double-jointed four-fingered hand flips around to accommodate. As one can expect, churchmen frown on such a prosthesis and say that it corrupts the user, but the market for such a miracle is great.
Atlantean Prosthetic Eye-13Popped into an empty socket, it instantly grafts to replace a lost eye. Atlantean eyes have a distinctive alien pupil. As one can expect, churchmen frown on such a prosthesis and say that it corrupts the user, but the market for such a miracle is great.
Astrological Pendant, silver1gp02mounted on a slim chain, double price for set of all 12
Astrological Pendant, gold 10gp02mounted on a slim chain, double price for set of all 12
Astrological Pendant, Orichalcum100gp03mounted on a slim chain, double price for set of all 12
Orichalcum Walking Stick1000gp14Each one is unique in its construction and craftsmanship. Can be used as a club in a pinch.
Adamantine Walking Stick3500gp26Each bejeweled and etched cane is unique in its construction and craftsmanship. The adamantine ones have a hidden catch which magically transforms this fantastic item into a masterwork spear.
common_atlantean_artifacts.1576723118.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/19 02:38 by dave