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In order to deal with the menace of GIANT BUGS, certain Atlantean sorcerers created the Cave Lizards. The sorcerers are gone, but not the lizards.

Adult Cave Lizard (6 HD Soldier)

AC: 18 HD 6 HP 25
Resistance: 15; vs. magic 11
Mods: W +1/N+5/S+8
Speed: 40'
Morale: +8
Stealth +1, Perception +8
Attack, Melee: +8; Damage: 2d10 piercing (bite)
Attack, Ranged, +8; Damage: 2d10 fire (Deadly Eye Rays) 80' Range, Can use it 3 times per turn.
Gobble: scores a critical hit on a 19-20, doing double damage, and gobbling whole any target man-sized or smaller.
Immune: Poison and Acid Attacks
Resistant: half damage piercing weapons
S+8, D+8, C+5, I+5,W+5,Ch+5

Grub Cave Lizard (1/2 HD Soldier) As a grub straight from the egg, the cave lizard is much like a thick, stubby snake. Its limbs are nothing but tiny buds, and its eyes are blind.

AC: 13 HD 1/2 HP 2
Resistance: 15; vs. magic 11
Mods: W -2/N+2/S+3
Speed: 10'
Morale: -
Perception +5 - Temorsense: Blind past 30'
Attack, Melee: +2; Damage: 1D6 piercing (bite)
Immune: Poison and Acid Attacks
Resistant: half damage piercing weapons
S+8, D+8, C+5, I+5,W+5,Ch+5

cave_lizard.1619711554.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/04/29 15:52 by andrew