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The air spirits are ones who animate the element of air in the world, they have no substance, but can cause the Air to do their bidding.

AIR SPIRIT (12 HD Shaper)

  • Disembodied Spirit: cannot attack or be attacked physically
  • AC: 18 HD 12 HP 49
  • Resistance: 18;
  • Mods: W+4, N+8/S+12
  • Speed: 60' (may move through physical objects, fly)
  • Morale: +8
  • Stealth +8,, Perception +8

Air Blast: Cone: 60', damage 6d6 Lightning Damage, Dex Check to dodge. Use 4 times per fight Air Funnel: shoves up to 6 targets, +12 to hit, moves target 20' apiece. Air Storm: raging winds 300'x300' area, no ranged weapons or thrown weapons can hit, all movement cut in half as long as spirit concentrates on storm Immune: lightning damage Standard Attack +4, 3d10+1 damage (vs. spirits only)

S+8, D+8, C+8, I+12,W+12,Ch+8

air_spirits.1578592026.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/09 17:47 by dave