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This chamber of the government supervises all manufacturing, sale and transport of goods. Players will most likely interact with members of this chamber in 2 ways. First, when a Space Cop patrol ship is assigned to anti-smuggling duty, one of its normal roster of patrolman will be replaced with a CIAT commerce inspector. Second, are the ubiquitous Spacers' Connection Kiosk. At the space ports of all Colonies and Member Worlds the chamber will have set up a series of kiosks specifically designed to match space ship captains who need additional crewmen with space crew in need of work. This is a good way for a PC to get a job or to recruit crewmen to fill in needed positions on the player's ship.

TENTATIVE Standard crewmen will be paid 1 credit for each 20 days of employment. Standard Crewman: 1d6 in all ability scores. 1d6 skill in the job hired for.
Pilot: piloting d6, knowledge (Astrogation)d6, Fighting d4, Shooting d4,
Science Ops: Ship Ops d6, Knowledge (Astrog.) d6. Fighting d4, Shooting d4
Engineer: Repair d6, Ship Ops d6, Fighting d4, Shooting d4
Gunner: Shooting d6, Fighting d6, Repair d4, Security d4\\

chamber_of_industry_and_trade.1663530112.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/18 19:41 by dave