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Dwarf, Fighter-1, Neutral (Ulek)
Sz M, Mv 25, Save 19, Attack +1

S-12, I-11, W-12, D-12, Co-16, Ch-12
+1 hp, +1 AC in light armor, 2 languages
+2 save vs magic and poison, Darkvision

Skills: Stonework; Train: Crack the Shell, Rampage, Hack on Run
Languages: Common, Dwur, Uroz, Jebli

AC 15 (Gambeson, Shield +1 Dex)
Hp 8

XP: 0; Gold: 0

Gear: gambeson, shield, war-hammer, stonework tools, 2 food bags (14 iron rations), Large Wine Skin (4pints), herbal bag (7 cigars, 3 comfrey)

Max Items: 12; Current: 8

bunting.1688320201.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/02 17:50 by dave