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Dominant Terrain: Grazing Land

Other Terrain: Hills

Features: Shadar, Road Moot, Herd Moot, W8, D3

The Shadarian tribes migrated to this area in modern times. Originally, they were all horse-mounted nomad herdsmen. However, when one tribe founded the town of Shadar itself, and established a flourishing trade with Polychronopolis, it soon brought other tribes under its thumb.

Shadar itself is a town of 30,000 people. Road Moot is a permanent herdsmen encampment of the Dierthu Tribe that also serves as a caravan stop along the road. Herd Moot is a permanent herdsmen encampment of the Yoomu Tribe. Both these tribes are vassals of Shadar city, and bitter enemies of each other and of the Prairie tribes.

The hill country in the zone is populated by Shadarian goat-herders and various non-human villagers.

The Dungeon of Latynadio is a multi-level complex in the hills near Shadar city.

The final way-station on the caravan road is run and maintained by the Kingdom of Kotharia, but the troops stationed there are mercenaries paid for jointly by both Kotharia and Shadar, since the station is deep in Shadarian territory.

z22.1632485176.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/24 12:06 by dave