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Dominant Terrain: Grassland

Other Terrain: hills, poor grassland, cultivated farmland

Features: Castle Egmar, R8, D2

These lands are cut by the South River, flowing from the Break Ridge to the City. While the poor grassland near the city is very sparsely settled, and the main grassland is mostly home to small-scale herdsmen, Castle Egmar is a thriving free-hold farming community, and the hills between the bad grass and the forest are studded with small sheep-herding and mining villages.

The Dungeon of Hobgoblin Rufus is a multi-level complex that belonged to a hobgoblin sorcerer. It was attacked and sacked by Mud Orcs, but not more than the above ground fortifications were ever explored.

There is a ruined town called McNastiburg along the river. It too was sacked by Mud Orcs, scattering the gnomish population that once served the river trade.

z14.1632420288.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/23 18:04 by dave