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Located across the River from the South Bridge, this is ward is filled with stables and corrals, and the wagon makers and caravan equippers of the city. Caravans typically assemble and disperse here, leaving their animals and wagons in the various corrals. Stockmen driving cattle will also use the corral spaces here to hold their stock before sale.

Wheelburg connects only to South Bridge.

Shopping in Wheelburg: this ward is the place to buy horses and other livestock, wagons and carts. To find what you want, spend 1 day and roll INT d20. Purchase haggling: roll d20 WIS and d20 CHA checks: if you succeed at both; pay 75% of list; if you fail both; pay double, if you succeed at only 1, pay list.

wheelburg.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/20 17:07 by dave