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the_heights [2021/09/06 14:07] davethe_heights [2021/09/13 17:43] (current) dave
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 The loftiest section of town, this is where the elite congregate and get away from the riffraff.  Half of the Great Houses have their Palaces located here, namely, [[house_of_taurus|House Taurus]], [[house_of_gemini|House Gemini]], [[house_of_virgo|House Virgo]], [[house_of_capricorn|House of Capricorn]], [[house_of_aquarius|House of Aquarius]], and the [[house_of_pisces|House of Pisces]].  The loftiest section of town, this is where the elite congregate and get away from the riffraff.  Half of the Great Houses have their Palaces located here, namely, [[house_of_taurus|House Taurus]], [[house_of_gemini|House Gemini]], [[house_of_virgo|House Virgo]], [[house_of_capricorn|House of Capricorn]], [[house_of_aquarius|House of Aquarius]], and the [[house_of_pisces|House of Pisces]]. 
 +The Heights connect to [[the_towers|the Towers]], [[bookburg|Bookburg]] and the [[the_six_temples|Six Temples]].
the_heights.1630937241.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/06 14:07 by dave