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Weird Features

The weird features deck gives features that aren't just skills, since that belongs in the background deck. They should perhaps be focused on exactly what prepared these adventurers for exploration into the unknown in the first place.

They should be formatted as a title with a block of text including flavor and a description of the benefit of the feature.

First Batch


Angelic Blessing The Archangel Michael appeared over your head at your birth and blessed you in the name of the Lord. If you choose the Cleric archetype, you gain 1 extra level-1 spell known.

Animal Empathy You spent many years with a mad hermit in the forest near home. Once he ordered you to cook a “magic weasel” he found, and when you tasted some of the juices you gained a degree of animal empathy. You can now give orders to your horse, dog or any well trained animal which you have become familiar to. These orders succeed on a Cha check. The command have a range of 40' and count as quick action. If you don't have Animal Handling proficiency, you gain it.

Bestia Neptunis One of your ancestors is rumored to have been a Bestia Neptunis (Sea Monster of some sort). It is true that you can hold your breath for 15 minutes and make simple telepathic communication with marine mammals.

Blood of Atlantis Whenever you are near an Atlantean object that is magical, and you concentrate, you can detect that magic and sometimes even a little information about its nature and function.

Clan of the Lidless Eye Your childhood neighbors muttered that your family were descended from Trolls or Elves or Djinni. You seem to need no sleep and are immune to sleep spells and similar sleep-related magic or sleep poisons.

Devil for the Drink A notorious drinker, after a battle, if your character drinks a pint of alcoholic liquid, he is immediately heals 1d6 hit points of damage (once per fight).

Fire Won't Burn There, No Fire At All On the seventh day of the seventh month of your seventh year, your family burned down around you, and you were seen protected by a shining nimbus. To this day, you gain +4 on all saving throws and attacks against Fire. You also take ½ damage from all fire attacks.

God Owes You a Favor Due to a major service done by your father to the Church, if you are present at an Archbishop's cathedral on the first Sunday of any month, you are given a free healing potion.

I Ain't Afraid of No Bears Your grandpa, Bearkiller Kniva, was so feared by bear-kind, that when a bear or part-bear monster tries to attack you it must make a morale check every round before it can swing.

In Tune With the Oneness of the Universe After a strange encounter with forest mushrooms, you now see how the forces of the universe are largely illusion. You can use the Subtle Force (telekinesis) Cantrip at will, regardless of whether you normally use arcane magic or not.

Just Can't Keep You Down Rumored to be sired by a black bear in the dark of the moon, you refuse to die. Whenever you are brought to 0 hit points, roll a Constitution check (with proficiency bonus) to immediately leap up and regain 1d4+1 hit points.

Luminous Inheritance At birth, a scraggly stranger entered your home and gifted your parents with 6 iron rods, each 12” long, and each of which radiates light equivalent to a lantern, without need for fuel. The rods are covered with mysterious Atlantean glyphs.

Mark of Cain You have a mysterious birthmark, which when shown to Trolls and Giants will cause them to be non-hostile to you (until you cross them).

Mind Over Matter After studying with a strange foreigner in your off hours as a youth, you can, once a day, if you concentrate for 10 minutes, levitate up to 30' off the earth for as long as you maintain concentration.

Mysterious Blessing On the way to meet your comrades at the first adventure, a luminous man with his face shrouded by a cloak appears in front of you and makes a sign of blessing, raising one of your Ability Scores (rolled randomly) by 1d4 points.

Natural Born Alchemist Having spent too much time with the gnomes of the garden and forest, you have learned to identify any magic potion or alchemical concoction with a simple sniff.

Pixie Protector You have become friends with a powerful Pixie, Fairy or Sidhe in the forest nearby. He will do you favors as long as you don't make a pig of yourself. If you do, he will make a pig of you.

Ratman One of your ancestors was cursed as a wererat for a time. You can never be surprised by a rat, ratman or wererat of any sort. You also gain +2 to hit, damage, and other checks against any sort of rat, ratman, wererat or rat-monster.

Ruh-Roh For some reason, you have been best friends with an otherwise normal talking dog for your whole life.

Robust Bloodline From a long line of mountain-men, you heal one point of damage per day, in addition to any other sort of healing, whether you rest or not.

Salubrious Blood It was told to you at your 12th birthday that you are descended from Joseph of Aramithea and so are of the Grail Family, related to Percival and Galahad of old. You may be called on one day to perform a service for the Grail, but in the meantime, you are immune to all diseases, including lycanthropy and tomb rot.

Second Sight Descendant of prophets and witches, if you take a round of inaction to focus, you can see the true nature of things through any illusion, disguise or even invisibility. The sight lasts for as long as you concentrate.

Sign of the Magi You were born at a strange astrological concordance of the planets Saturn and Mercury, which caused a local astrologer to warn your parents to watch for signs. On the seventh hour of the seventh day after your birth, strange writings appeared in flame on your forehead, causing you no harm. You proved to be magical prodigy in your youth and gain 1 extra cantril and 1 extra first level spell known at first level. The astrologer would never again speak of, to or near you.

Solar Attunement Born in the middle of Stonehenge, or some similar ancient solar site, you gain +1 to AC, Hit, Damage and checks when you outside under direct sunlight.

Steeped in Holiness From your youth minor miracles, light and a feeling of blessedness surrounded you. You are able to make healing potions, cleric scrolls, and holy water at 25% less cost in components and time.

Time Enough for the Earth in the Grave Having saved an air-spirit from doom, your character gets +4 to saves vs. being turned to stone and takes half damage from all attacks by Earth Elementals and their earthy kin.

Trace of the True Cross You were born in the presence of a fragment of the True Cross. Your defense against any Spiritual Attack is improved by +5.

weird_features.1575679205.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/07 00:40 by andrew