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You’re quick, strong, and militant. Combat is your specialty, and you’re able to deal and sustain more damage than any other.

Level Proficiency Bonus Class Features
1+2Starting HP, warrior equipment; Basic proficiencies from chosen archetype
2+2Counter-attack in melee as a Quick action up to twice a fight; Gain one skill
3+2Gain one feature from your chosen archetype
4+2Add +2 to an ability score of your choice, or add +1 to two scores; Draw 3 cards from the special features deck, choose 1 to apply
5+3Gain one different feature from your chosen archetype
6+3 Add +2 to an ability score of your choice, or add +1 to two scores
7+3Gain one different feature from your chosen archetype
8+3Add +2 to an ability score of your choice, or add +1 to two scores; Draw 3 cards from the special features deck, choose 1 to apply
9+4Gain one different feature from your chosen archetype; Gain one additional attack every time the Attack action is made

Warrior Basics

  • Starting HP 10 + CON mod
  • HP each level up 1d10 + CON mod
  • Armor allowed All
  • Proficient weapons Simple, Martial
  • Ability proficiency STR, CON
  • Skills:
    • Athletics
    • Riding

Warrior Archetypes


Barbarians are fierce warriors that excel at overpowering their enemies by unleashing the force of their savage natures in a single all out strike at the start of a fight. They are at home in the wilderness, where they are free to climb cliffs, stalk prey and track game. They are naturally rugged and tough, and their mistrust of magic gives them a resistance to spells and items that cause fear.

You gain Intimidation and Survival skills. Barbarians are a hearty lot, and can shrug off the worst infirmities. Gain advantage on any rolls for Injury.

Barbarian Archetype Features (choose one each at 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th level)

  • Gain one extra attack in melee every time you use the Attack action.
  • Savage Attacker: Once per turn when you roll damage for a melee weapon attack, you may reroll the weapon’s damage dice and use either total.
  • Score a critical hit in melee on a 19-20.
  • Cleave: Any time you bring an enemy to 0 hp with a melee attack, you may make another melee attack as a quick action.
  • Move +10' on foot.
  • Mobility: When you make a melee attack against a creature, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether you hit or not.
  • Gain +1 AC when wielding a two-handed weapon or a weapon in each hand.
  • Add +6 permanent hit points.
  • Riddle of Steel: Gain resistance to Piercing attacks while wearing armor.
  • Tactician: Gain Tactics skill with advantage.
  • Seething Anger: Immune to fear effects, never checks morale, and gain Advantage on all Intimidation skill checks.
  • Gain advantage on all Stealth skill checks.
  • Add +4 to your maximum load.
  • Combat Reflexes: You may take two initiative cards and use the one you want.
  • Rage: As a quick action you may enter a berserker rage. While enraged, you gain a +2 bonus to attack throws and become immune to fear. However, the character has a -2 penalty to AC and cannot retreat from combat. Once it has begun, a berserker rage cannot be ended until combat ends.
  • Knock-Down Punch: Once per round against a person, horse or camel, you can use your fist instead of a weapon attack. If the attack hits, the target is knocked prone, and during its next round can only do a move action.
  • Oath of Valhalla: Gain advantage to any checks to prevent harm from traps, poison, and other cowardly ways to die.


Knights are trained nearly from birth to fight both on foot and from horse. The lance charge they make sweeps all foe men aside. The lord's and kings of Christendom depend on them as the backbone of their armies.

You gain the Persuasion skill, one Lore skill chosen from the areas of Geography, History, Law, or Math and the Knightly Combat proficiency.

Knight Archetype Features (choose 1 at 3rd 5th, 7th and 9th level)

  • Gain one extra attack when using a lance or sword when you make an Attack action.
  • Strike the Great Blow: Exchange -4 to hit for +8 damage. 2 times/fight.
  • Cleave: Any time you bring an enemy to 0 hp with a melee attack, you may make another melee attack as a quick action.
  • Mounted Speed: Add +15' to speed of any horse you ride.
  • Mounted Mobility: When you make a melee attack against a creature when attacking from horseback, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether you hit or not.
  • Gain +1 AC whenever you are wielding a shield.
  • Add +6 permanent hit points.
  • Tis But a Scratch: Gain resistance to Slashing attacks while wearing armor.
  • Tactician: Gain Tactics skill with advantage.
  • Riding Master: Advantage to all Riding Checks and you may use a quick action to leap onto or off of horse.
  • Add +4 to your maximum load.
  • Combat Reflexes: You may take two initiative cards and use the one you want.
  • Mighty Charge: when you move at least 10' into a melee attack, score +5 to damage on the first attack.
  • Careful Rider: Your mount takes half damage from all melee attacks while you are riding it.


Living on the borders of civilization, rangers are warriors who lend toward practical solutions. They are skilled woodsmen, with equipment and skills designed to help them survive in the wild with toughness and guile.

You gain the Stealth and Survival skills.

Ranger Archetype Features (choose 1 at level 3, 5, 7 and 9)

  • Gain one extra attack whenever you use the Attack action to make a Ranged or Thrown attack.
  • Score +1 damage with all ranged or thrown attacks.
  • Score a critical hit with ranged or thrown attacks on a 19-20.
  • Can withdraw 5' from combat without drawing an attack of opportunity as a quick action.
  • Horse Archer: Can shoot ranged attacks from moving horse without suffering disadvantage.
  • Add +6 permanent hit points.
  • Wild Affinity: Resistance to cold and thunder damage and immune to weather effects and ignore difficult terrain.
  • Gain advantage on all Survival skill checks.
  • Gain advantage on all Stealth skill checks.
  • Born Navigator: Can't get lost, you always know which way is North, and you always know how many hours until sunset.
  • Add +4 to your maximum load.
  • Combat Reflexes: You may take two initiative cards and use the one you want.
  • Eagle Eye: Attacking at long range doesn't impose disadvantage on your ranged or thrown weapon attack rolls.
  • Monster Hunter: Gain Lore (Monsters) skill at advantage.


Whether you have taken up arms to protect others, win glory, exact revenge, or simply earn a living, you are the perfect embodiment of this truth. You may be a career soldier, a fresh mercenary recruit, or a lone wolf who rejects authority you’re a consummate warrior expert with heavy armor and weapons of all kinds.

You gain the Investigation and Perception skills.

Soldier Archetype Features (choose 1 at 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th level)

  • Gain one extra attack whenever you use a Martial Weapon to make an Attack action.
  • Gain +1 damage on all attacks with Martial weapons.
  • Cleave: Any time you bring an enemy to 0 hp with a melee attack, you may make another melee attack as a quick action.
  • Horse Archer: Shoot ranged attacks from moving horse without suffering disadvantage.
  • Gain +1 AC whenever you are armored.
  • Add +6 permanent hit points.
  • Combat Veteran: Gain resistance to Bludgeoning attacks while wearing armor.
  • Commander: Use your movement action to allow any ally within 60' to make a free Active Action.
  • Add +4 to your maximum load.
  • Combat Reflexes: You may take two initiative cards and use the one you want.
  • Mighty Charge: If you move at least 10' into a melee attack, score +5 to your damage roll on the first attack.
  • Disarm/Dismount: You can choose to knock the weapon out of an enemy's hand or (if using a bill or long spear) dismount a rider from his horse instead of doing damage.
  • Watching Your Back: All allies within 15' of you gain +1 AC.
warrior.1577472829.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/27 18:53 by andrew