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Wilderness Travel

This table assumes the PCs are moving at a walking pace and are not doing a forced march extending their travel time beyond 8 hours in the day. If the travel is along clear terrain such as a trail, road or along a body of water the party can travel up to an extra six miles a day. Mounted characters traveling along clear terrain can gain another bonus doubling the amount of miles covered. Any travel in difficult terrain moves at the same pace whether it is on horseback or walking. Travel in carts can only be achieve along relatively flat terrain. Traveling in the dark is the same as traveling in difficult terrain. Travel speed is halved if any party members are encumbered with too much load.

Each day, characters should choose a pace of travel. Traveling fast gets the party farther, but leaves it vulnerable to ambush and raises the chance that they get lost. Careful travel gives the party options to sneak to surprise others themselves, forage for food along the way, explore any hidden points of interest or navigate to recover from getting lost.

Daily PaceMiles Covered Per DayNotes
Fast18Disadvantage to Perception checks
Normal12 -
Careful6Able to Explore, Forage, Navigate or Sneak

Sneaking, Navigating, Foraging, and Exploring

PCs may choose to travel slowly in order to perform one or more of these tasks. PCs who wish to sneak as they travel may scout ahead of the group and attempt to identify wilderness encounters ahead of time. By doing so, the group may use that PC’s Stealth proficiency to see if they sneak up on any encounter along the way. They may not spend their time doing any other tasks such as foraging or exploring.

For each four hours of travel, a survival check should be made by the navigator with a success score based on the terrain type. Any PCs who navigate while they travel may do so with advantage, at the cost of the entire group traveling slower. This check may be made with help from other PCs, and might have advantage depending on PC capabilities and how fast the party is traveling. The consequences for getting lost could be an extra encounter, lost time, making any mapping that was done worthless, and putting the PCs in the wrong place. Those consequences may be chosen by the GM.

PCs who forage while traveling may make a Survival check against the DC for the appropriate terrain type to see if they can find appropriate food or water. Foraging PCs also have advantage on their first shot to hunt any wild game. PCs who wish to explore will have a chance to find any hidden features along their route of travel, and they may map the terrain types along their route of travel.

Terrain Types

A general terrain type describes how hard it is to move through the wilderness, how hard it is to get lost, and what resources are available to those who seek it.

Plains: Not difficult terrain for any mode of travel. Navigation is Simple (DC 5) and access to both food and water is Adequate (DC 15).

Forest: Not difficult for foot travel, but difficult for horses or wagons. Navigation is Difficult (DC 15), access to food is Abundant (DC 10) and access to water is Adequate (DC 15).

Hills: Not difficult for travel by foot or horse, but difficult for wagons. Navigation is Easy (DC 10), access to food is Abundant (DC 10) and access to water is Poor (DC 20).

Mountain: Travel through the mountains is always difficult, and perhaps impassable for wagons without a pass through the province. Navigation is Challenging (DC 20), access to food and water is Poor (DC 20).

Swamp: Travel in the swamp is always difficult, but Navigation is Easy (DC 10) and access to food is Adequate (DC 15) and water is Abundant (DC 10).

Special Terrain Features: These terrains run along the borders of provinces, but are not actually part of the province itself.

River: Unless they have a map, a square of travel is lost as the PCs struggle to find an appropriate ford to cross a river. By an unfrozen river, access to food and water becomes Abundant (DC 10) and Navigation along the river becomes Easy (DC 10).

Road: If the terrain borders a road, the terrain is not difficult for any mode as long as the PCs travel along the road. Navigation along a road is automatic.

Path: If the terrain borders a path, the terrain is not difficult for foot or horse but wagons are subject to the terrain type of the square as long as the PCs travel along the path. Navigation along a path is Simple (DC 5).

travel.1578195432.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/05 03:37 by andrew