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Taffy'd Dive Bar

Taffy the Quick built a wooden Inn building near the center of Worm's Ferry. He's offering drinks, food, lodging, gambling and prostitutes for reasonable prices.

Passive Income

Bar: 10gp

Food: 5gp

Lodging: 5gp

Prostitution: 9gp (special)

Gambling: Special


Bar: Bartender Rocko, Barmaids: Fannie
Kitchen: Old Mabel the Cook, Redigar the Dishman
Lodging: Mildred the House Maid
Prostitutes: Becky of Lesserton, Wilma of Lesserton, Gertrude of Lesserton
Security: 2 Militia-retainers: Ifans and Dunstan (both Welsh).


Bar: casks of cheap wine x6, casks of cheap beer x6, casks of average beer x2, beer mugs x25, stools x24, tables x2, benches x5.
Kitchen: barrel of uncooked rations x1, water barrel x1, bowls x25, spoons x25, kitchen knives x4, Set of Kitchen Pots x1, tables x2,
Lodging: cots x20, blankets x20
Prostitution: large beds x3, perfume x7
Gambling: Table x1, chairs x6, sets of dice and cards x10

taffy_s_bar.1607364946.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/07 18:15 by dave