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Shepherd's Hollow

Surrounded to the North and East by some hills is a herding community of about thirty families dedicated to raising large herds of sheep for milk, wool, and meat. In the Spring and Summer flocks of these animals can often be seen roaming from the Dillswood to the river. In colder months, the shepherds and their animals winter together in barns. Many of the barns are arrayed near the small, rustic church which forms the center of town.

The village is not in control of Reeve Angus. Until he can post men there or destroy the Dill gang, the villagers will only obey him if they see him.

There are 23 hides of land attached to the village with 33 families living there (some as shop keeps or cottars, servants or tenants to the hide-holders).

Total Population: 171 people.

Militia: 23 men plus 3 soldier-retainers

Guard Tower: Wulfric of Ascalon had a half-timber square tower built at Shepherd's Hollow in May 1130, it is garrisoned by 3 soldiers.

Notable Residents:

  • Elder Moss - He and his two well-armed sons and a dozen other cousins have the largest of the flocks of the village.
  • Chonk - An enterprising child who caters to the needs of visitors.
  • Scottish Bill–hired by Reeve Angus to run the new Mead-Hall he's built in the village, he is assisted by Lola from Glasgow and the not quite useful “Muck-for-Brains.”

The following 3 heads of families were settled by Wulfric recently, they are under oath to support the guard tower men:

  • William: English shepherd.
  • Einar: Icelandic oat farmer and wood carver
  • Dubois: Frankish shepherd
shepherd_s_hollow.1608144906.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/16 18:55 by andrew