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Wulfric of Ascalon had a half-timber square tower built at Shepherd's Hollow in May 1130. It is meant to help bring the village under Reeve Angus's control. The tower is a standard half-timber storage tower with arrow slits added on each floor on every side, and a hatch built in the thatch roof.


3 Soldiers: Edward, Osmund and Ethelric, retainers of Wulfric. They are armed with Warbows and Frankish Axes. Three recently settled farm families are sworn to support/defend the tower and its garrison, as condition of Wulfric paying the expenses to get them settled.

The tower can house 6 people permanently, but may be able to cram in the garrison and the 15 people from the supporting farm families in an emergency.


50-gallon water barrels x2
buckets x10
Alarm Gong x1
Barrel of Standard Rations (70 man/days) x1
Extra Arrows x200
Cots x4
Blankets x4

Security Orders

One soldier always on guard inside the tower. Door is always closed and barred. If there is trouble, sound the gong. Hopefully the village militia will help, but the three new family heads should bring their shields and spears to the tower to help. The Dubois famiy has been given a nag horse in exchange for immediately sending one of their sons to ride to Worm's Ferry to summon help.

shepherd_hollow_tower.1608575407.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/21 18:30 by dave