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The foggy highlands of the Scots is home to a military tradition that makes even the fiercest Icelandic berserkers steer clear. When they can keep from warring between their own clans, the Scots are fierce and fearless warriors who fight with uncanny might despite having poorer equipment than their neighbors. While not as accomplished as their neighbors to the North, the Scots are also good sailors.

Don't mess with Scotland. They will crush you. Scots gain +2 STR.

The Scots are particularly hostile toward the Norwegians, because of centuries of conflict. Incessant border-raids and meddling have engendered hostility between them and the English as well, but many English have begun to settle in Scotland to avoid the Norman yoke. There are good relations between the Scots and the Irish, however.

The Scots revere the memory of King Kenneth MacAlpin, who united the Scots (immigrants from Ireland) with the Picts (original natives) into a single kingdom in the 9th century, and the St. Columba and St. Kentigern who led the conversion of Scotland to Christianity in the 6th-7th centuries.

scottish.1581424590.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/11 12:36 by dave