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Rune Tools

Druids and Runecasters may create rune tools instead of scrolls. Rune tools are small wands infused with runic magic to do a particular curse or charm in battle. The magic in these tools are activated just like the power in a scroll. To use these tools, a PC must have the ability to cast magic from Arcane scrolls and know at least one Celtic language or the Norse language. Any one of the rune tools may be carved over one week's time with a successful Survival check. After casting a runic spell, the rune tool burns away to ash and may not be used again.

Design Note: I'm thinking that these tools are all pretty weak-sauce, but useful items that the runecasters can use to vary their repertoire of spells. I put in a few more, and a minimum level, but my minimum levels were just arbitrary, feel free to change

TypeMinimum LevelEffect
Rune of Cursing2On a successful magic attack, the target forfeits its next Active action
Rune of Endurance1Target gains +6 temporary HP for one battle
Rune of Hope2On a successful magic check, re-roll any morale checks for allies, henchmen, and retainers within a 60' radius of the spellcaster to rally them
Rune of Protection3For one round, enemy ranged non-magic attacks have disadvantage against the spellcaster and anyone standing within 5' of the spellcaster
Rune of Escape3 worn on cord around neck, when last syllable of inscription pronounced, or when the cord is pulled from the wearer's neck, all chains, ropes, manacle, shackles or other restraints are instantly broken.
Rune of Confoundment6 targets 1 enemy spellcaster, if spell attack succeeds, target cannot use any magic spells or items for 1d6 rounds
runes.1576089550.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/11 18:39 by dave