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Called Princes of Hell, Demon Lords, Beings of Elder Chaos, among other things, these creatures are the mightiest creatures (yet) ever to plague the Mundane World from the Abyssal Depths of the Second World. A A Prince of Hell can speak to creatures in the Mundane World from its location in the Spirit World, and can hear and see what goes on in the Mundane location corresponding to its Spirit World location. It can make itself visible to the Mundane World in some huge and horrific fashion.

PRINCE OF HELL (18 HD Leader) Disembodied Spirit, cannot attack or be attacked physically.

  • AC: 17 HD 18 HP 73
  • Resistance: 17; against Magic 22
  • Mods: W +7/N+10/S+12
  • Speed: 30'
  • Morale: if alone +7, if with minions +12
  • Stealth +10, Perception +10
  • Attack: +7 Damage: 4d10+3 (vs spirits only); Magic Attacks: +12
  • Possession: +12 attack, 3d6 Charisma Damage, when target reaches 0 Charisma, becomes Possessed, by the demon, gaining 30 extra hit points, doubles damage on its normal attacks, and gains resistance to all physical and arcane damage.
  • Aura of Madness: anyone who comes within 200' of the disembodied Prince of Hell's location must make a Wisdom check each round or become Confused for that round.
  • Command Evil: any Evil aligned creature, except another Prince of Hell, must obey any command given by a Prince of Hell as long as it is within 300'.
  • Spell Powers: a Prince of Hell can cast any Atlantean Blasphemy spell.

S+7, D +10, C+7, I +12,W+10,Ch+12

prince_of_hell.1579359914.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/18 15:05 by dave