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Landed Property and Income Therefrom

House Holder: Each Freeholder family on 1 HIDE (125 acres) of Land

  • Supports 5-10 people
  • Pays 6 gp per month to the Church as Tithes
  • Pays 8gp per month to the Lord as taxation (split with Earl and King)
  • Has 10gp left over for capital, tools, luxuries
  • Likely has from between 5 and 100gp hidden away as savings

Each Lord of the Hundred: Rules over 100 freehold families, each with 1 Hide

  • Receives 25gp per month profit from each Hide of his personal estate
  • Collects 800gp in taxes from the freeholders, of which he keeps 250gp, sends 250gp to his Earl, and 300gp to the King. He is responsible for seeing to the defenses and law and order of the Hundred with this money.
  • Must pay 30gp to the Church per month, and maintain the Church building for the Hundred.

Each Earl:

  • Receives 25gp per month per Hide of his personal estate.
  • Receives 550gp in taxation per month from each one of the Hundreds, of which he keeps 250gp and sends 300gp to the King
  • Must pay 300gp to the Church per month in tithes, and maintain the bishop’s cathedral building.

Each Parish Priest:

  • Receives 600gp per month in tithes from the residents of the Hundred, of which he keeps 100gp and passes the rest onto the Bishop.
  • Receives 25gp per Hide of the Parish land, (usually 5), for a total of 125gp.
  • Of the 225gp he receives per month, if he doesn’t spend a significant portion on charity, services, and trappings of the church, it will be complained about.

Each Bishop:

  • Receives 500gp from each Hundred in the Diocese, and 25gp for each Hide of Land in the Bishop’s estates.
  • He keeps 75% of the take, and passes the rest to the Archbishop in Kingstown, who presumably passes some onto the Pope.
landed_property.1580823728.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/04 13:42 by andrew