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The Jinn are a race of spiritual creatures that also exist in the physical world simultaneously. Jinn houses appear like boulders or small hills, they themselves appear humanoid in form under spiritual eyes, but with blue or green or purplish skin and exaggerated features, but look quite different to physical eyes. Each Jinn wears a brass amulet or medallion that marks his place in his clan and society and which is precious to him. Jinn generally live in different places than Elves and rarely mingle with them, preferring hotter, dryer climates. Because of their double-worldly nature, Jinn are immune to non-magical weapons and natural attacks.

There are 3 main sorts of Jinn: the Serpent Jinn, the Dog Jinn and the Invisible Jinn. The Serpent-Jinn look like large serpents to mortal eyes. The Dogs Jinn look like common dogs to mortal eyes, and the Invisible Jinn are impossible to see without magical assistance.

SERPENT JINN (4 HD Predator)

  • AC: 10; HD 4 HP 17
  • Resistance: 10;
  • Mods: W 0/N+4/S+6
  • Speed: 30'
  • Morale: +0
  • Stealth +6, Perception +4
  • Attack: +0 Damage: 1d10;
  • Attack from Stealth +6, 2d6 damage and poisoned for 1d6 rounds
  • Lovers of Darkness: advantage to Stealth rolls and attacks made from Stealth when in less than daylight conditions
  • Quick Hide: can attempt to “disappear” by Stealth from Combat as a quick action
  • Immune to Non-magic weapons and natural attacks
  • Terrorizing Sound: human NPC's must roll morale when hearing their terrifying hiss

S+4, D+4, C+0, I+6,W+4,Ch+4

DOG JINN (6 HD Soldier)

  • AC: 18 HD 6 HP 25
  • Resistance: 15;
  • Mods: W +1/N+5/S+8
  • Speed: 40'
  • Morale: +8
  • Stealth +1, Perception +5
  • Attack: +8 Damage: 2d10
  • Immune: non-magic weapons and natural attacks
  • Howl: any human who hears to howl of the Dog Jinn, before seeing them must make a morale check.

S+8, D+8, C+5, I+5,W+5,Ch+5

jinn.1578956567.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/13 23:02 by dave