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One activity players can pursue is hunting animals for their meat and hides/fur. This is different from foraging while travelling, since the entire expedition is structured to find game.

Yield for Different Ordinary Game

When an ordinary animal is hunted or trapped, the meat/hides can yield the following cash at a trading post or frontier settlement:

Squirrel 1cp
Racoon 2cp
Possum 1cp
Groundhog 2cp
Coyote 2sp
Wolf 5sp
Rats (per bag) 4cp

Big Game
Wild boar 3gp
Black Bear 10gp
Deer 2gp
Stag 10gp
Puma 20gp
Grizzly Bear 25gp
Bison 8gp

Fur Animals–must be trapped to get the value
Beaver 12gp
Fox 5gp
Weasel 5sp
Muskrat 5sp

Small Bird 1cp
Turkey 8cp
Falcon/Hawk(egg or chick, alive) 8gp

Resolving Hunting Expeditions

The characters involved spend a number of days around a base camp in an unsettled wilderness area for up to 10 days, after which they must move at least 10 miles distant.

Varmint Hunting: scouring the area for garbage animals produces 1 animal per day per point of Wisdom bonus or Survival skill bonus per person. However many people are varmint hunting at a time, only 3 may be in sight of one another at a time. Each group of hunters has the regular chance of a wilderness encounter. Each person rolls for type of animal taken: 1-Squirrel
6-Rats (bag of)

Big Game Hunting: each day the character with the best Survival Skill rolls, but he gets advantage if another character passes a Wisdom (survival) check. Each point above 20 indicates that the party has found the tracks of a big game animal (i.e., if the total roll is 23, you have found 3 sets of tracks.). A particular hunter can only follow 1 set of tracks, and if he makes a Wis(survival) check, he has caught up with the game animal and must kill it using the combat rules.

Fur Trapping:a person can place a number of traps equal to his Constitution score in a day (provided that he has purchased that many). After each week they are left alone, roll a Survival check for each trap he set to see if the trap has been sprung and roll randomly to see what he has caught. He can collect as many traps in a day as he can set.

  • Wetlands Trap: roll d6, 6=beaver, 1-5=muskrat
  • Forest trap: roll d6, 6=fox, 3-5=weasel, 1-2=varmint
  • Bear Trap: roll d6. 6=grizzly bear, 4-5=black bear, 1-3=deer

Wetlands and forest traps, the animal will be dead, or easily killed. If a bear is caught, apply 1d8 damage plus 1 point of damage for each day it has been trapped (1d6).

hunting_and_trapping.1581704989.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/14 18:29 by dave