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One activity players can pursue is hunting animals for their meat and hides/fur.

Yield for Different Ordinary Game

When an ordinary animal is hunted or trapped, the meat/hides can yield the following cash at a trading post or frontier settlement:

Wild boar 3gp
Black Bear 10gp
Deer 2gp
Squirrel 1cp
Racoon 2cp
Possum 1cp
Groundhog 2cp
Puma 20gp
Small Bird 1cp
Beaver 12gp
Fox 5gp
Grizzly Bear 25gp
Bison 8gp
Turkey 8cp
Wolf 5sp
Weasel 3cp
Muskrat 2cp

hunting_and_trapping.1581686729.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/14 13:25 by dave