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A Hell Stalker is a large, gangly-looking humanoid, from 7 to 10 feet tall, created by dark magic from the blood of human sacrifices. The Stalker is given a target on its creation which it hunts and tracks until it or its victim is dead. If a Hell Stalker kills its target, it will rip off his head and take it to a dark cave to plant it, where it will grow into another Hell Stalker, joining its creator in hunting innocent victims and tearing off their heads.

The Hell Stalker typically waits until it can attack from Stealth, and then if it gets drawn into a fair fight, it will disengage and flee, to return later when it can attack from surprise again.

HELL STALKER (8 HD Predator)

  • AC: 12; HD 8 HP 33
  • Resistance: 12;
  • Mods: W +2/N+6/S+10
  • Speed: 40'
  • Morale: +2
  • Stealth +10, Perception +6
  • Attack: +2 Damage: 2d6;
  • Attack from Stealth +10, 3d8 damage and stun 1 round
  • Evil
  • Quick Escape: as a quick action, the stalker can disengage from melee without incurring an attack of opportunity
  • Wrench off Head: when a Hell Stalker brings a target to 0 hp, it can wrench off the target's head, killing it, as a quick action. When it does so, it automatically heals all of its own lost hit points.
  • Implacable Tracking: a Hell Stalker always knows the location of its first target. After that target is dead, the monster chooses another within 24 hours and always knows its location, and so on.
  • Resistant: the Hell Stalker takes half damage from all magic attacks.
  • Head Planter: if the Stalker plants the head of one of its victims in the earth of a cave or underground chamber, in 24 hours a new Hell Stalker springs up to spread evil and death.
  • Horror: if a human NPC witnesses a Hell Stalker tear off someone's head, the NPC must make a morale check.

S+6, D+6, C+2, I+10,W+6,Ch+6

hell_stalker.1579269830.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/17 14:03 by dave