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Grinders are the first sort of Troll one thinks of. They are large humanoids of a twisted and menacing appearance, able to tear men apart with their bare hands. They tend to lair in caves or under the waters of a lake. Grinders are descended from Devilkin from long ago, mixed with some other powerful creature, and form their own species, spread in the wilds of the earth.

GRINDER (10 HD Soldier)

  • AC: 22 HD 10 HP 41
  • Resistance: 17; vs. magic 13
  • Mods: W +3/N+7/S+12
  • Speed: 40'
  • Morale: +12
  • Stealth +3, Perception +12
  • Melee Attack: +12 to hit; Damage: 3d8+2 Slashing
  • Tear to Pieces: if a Grinder brings a target to 0 hit points, it can, and will, tear them from limb to limb, killing them, as a Quick action
  • Horror: if human NPC's see a Grinder tear someone limb from limb, they must check morale at disadvantage.
  • Loathsome Hide: resistant to slashing, piercing and bludgeoning attacks from non-magic weapons

S+12, D+12, C+7, I+7,W+7,Ch+7

grinder.1579109530.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/15 17:32 by dave