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17 Grypes vocatur, quod sit animal pinnatum et quadrupes. Hoc genus ferarum in Hyperboreis nascitur montibus. Omni parte corporis leones sunt; alis et facie aquilis similes; equis vehementer infesti. Nam et homines visos discerpunt. Isidore of Seville, Origines, Book 12, section 17

Many believe that griffons are not real, and are instead constructions of Europeans for the sake of heraldry. Others believe that they have simply been hunted nearly to extinction because of their danger to livestock and children. No one knows for sure, but these magnificent beasts are always admired for their strength and ferocity.

GRIFFON ( 6 HD Soldier)

  • AC: 18; HD 6 HP 25
  • Resistance: 18; vs. magic 11
  • Mods: W +1/N+5/S+8
  • Speed: 30', 90' Flying
  • Morale: +8
  • Stealth +1 Perception +1
  • Attack: +8; Damage: 2d10 slashing, claws x2
  • Swooping Charge: +8; 3d10 slashing–flying down to make one attack on target, and continue to fly at double move rate back into the air.
  • Beak: if both claws hit in ground combat, it can make a beak attack +8, 2d10 piercing

S+8, D+8, C+5, I+5, W+5,Ch+5

griffon.1579009313.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/14 13:41 by dave