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There are many stories about how this small settlement of about a score of families got its name. One story is that Earl Godric, hearing a chorus of frogs here, referred to the area as “Frog City.” That story is one of the more likely origins because Frogtown has several nearby wet lowlands.

Total Population: 150 people
Hides under cultivation: 20
Families: 30
Militia: 1 knight, 5 mercenaries, 10 militia

Notable Residents:

  • Sir Clovis - An older knight in the service of Lord Ulfwin, perhaps a former Crusader from the old world. While he own a farm including a barn for his warhorses he spends most of his time in the black, Atlantean tower that oversees the falls of Fishing Creek leading the few soldiers posted there.
  • Rubeta - The hostess at The Cocked Crock, a tavern built on the highest point of Frogtown. It has a clear view of the road below, but has been leaning toward sliding off the hill for the past few years.
  • Father Luther - This German-born priest tends to the religious needs of his people with the help of a nun named Sister Katarina.
  • Burger Pfaltzgraff - As the head of the Pfaltzgraff family, Pfaltzgraff has a keen eye for business but is always wary of doing business with “Englishmen.”
frogtown.1609787494.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/04 19:11 by andrew