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Expert retainers are trained in useful skills that are in demand among adventuring parties. They come equipped with light armor and 1-2 simple weapons, plus appropriate items of their trade (as DM judges).

Weak Mod: CON, CHA, morale Normal Mod: STR, WIS, missile and melee attacks, perception Strong Mod: DEX, INT, stealth, 3 skills chosen by DM

Example: an expert “burglar” might have “lock-picking”, “traps” and “investigation” as his skills and show up with leather armor, lockpicks, a dagger, sling and crowbar. An expert “tracker” on the other hand might have “survival”, “herbalism” and “Lore (animals)” as his skills and show up in a gambeson with a hunting bow and hatchet.

expert.1577051835.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/22 21:57 by dave