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Enchanted Clothing

Any character can wear only 1 pair of boots at a time. Likewise, only 1 cloak at a time. Likewise, 1 robe at a time. Likewise only 1 hat at a time.

NameCostLoadDurabilityEffectSpecial Ingredient
Boots of Leapingxxxgp02wearer can jump up to 30' straight forward or up
Boots of Levitationxxxgp02wearer can levitate up to 30' in the air, moving there or back as quick action
Boots of Mighty Kickingxxxgp03 wearer can use an attack action to kick his enemy for 1d6 damage, but a hit will propel the target 1d6x5' backwards.
Boots of Silencexxxgp02wearer moves silently,meaning a Perception check based on hearing alone will always fail against him.
Boots of Travellingxxxgp02wearer never becomes exhausted from overland travel
Cloak of Blurringxxxgp02wearer gains +2 AC against ranged and thrown weapons, and +2 defense against spells targeted against him directly.
Cloak of Darknessxxxgp02activating cloak emits a 30' radius of supernatural darkness, anyone within it except the wearer is considered “blind”.
Cloak of Flyingxxxgp02cloak can become a set of wings, allowing wearer to fly at twice his normal movement rate, this however requires both hands
Cloak of Stealthxxxgp02wearer is rendered hard to see, blending into the background, this gives a +10 bonus to Stealth Checks.
Cloak of Terrorxxxgp02 when the wearer lifts up both edges of the cloak, all enemies within sight must make a morale check or flee.
Hat of Charismaxxgp02wearer gains +2 to Charisma Score
Hat of Intelligencexxxgp02wearer gains +2 to Intelligence Score
Hat of Wisdomxxxgp02wearer gains +2 to Wisdom Score
Robe of Disguisexxxgp02 wearer can take on the outer appearance of any person on creature he has ever seen that is within half to twice his height.
Robe of Hidingxxxgp02when wearing this robe, and standing perfectly still against a solid object, the wearer cannot be seen by an observer.
Robe of Visionxxxgp02wearer can see 360 degrees, see spirits, invisible creatures and objects, and see in the dark.
Robe of Wizardryxxxgp02scholar wearer can cast all scholar cantrips, and get advantage when casting first and second level spells
enchanted_clothing.1578509173.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/08 18:46 by dave