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Diaboli are demons who live only to directly attack the minds of human beings to destroy their lives and everything they are. They search the world for people powerful for good and assault them directly on the spiritual level until they are broken or possessed. There are 3 types of Diaboli: Possessors, who use the Possession Attack, Maddeners, who use the Madness attack, and Crushers, who use the Mind-Crush Attack. A Diabolus only possesses one sort of Spiritual Attack and cannot switch among them.

DIABOLUS (11 HD Predator) Disembodied Spirit, cannot attack or be attacked Physically

  • AC: 13; HD 11 HP 45
  • Resistance: 17;
  • Mods: W +3/N+7/S+12
  • Speed: 30'
  • Morale: +3
  • Stealth +12, Perception +7
  • Attack: +3 Damage: 3d10 (vs Spirits only)
  • Possession: +12 Spirit Attack, 2d6 Charisma; keeps on attacking same target until the subject is Cha 0 and is possessed.
  • Madness: +12 Spirit Attack, 2d6 Wisdom; keeps on attacking same target until the subject is Wisdom 0 and is raving mad.
  • Mind-Crush: +12 Spirit Attack, 2d6 Intelligence; keeps on attacking same target until the subject is Intelligence 0 and is a feeble-minded husk.
  • Evil, Demon

S+5, D+5 C+1, I+8 ,W+5,Ch+5

diabolus.1576782500.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/19 19:08 by dave