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The offspring of an Incubus/Succubus and a human is called a Devilkin. They are, for the most part, corrupt and evil, making every situation they insert themselves into worse. Some are huge muscular brutes, others are cunning and smooth enchanters. The Enchanters can take on a pleasant appearance, but there is always something “off” about the brutes.

They only good devilkin known to history was the Enchanter Merlin, who was engendered on a Royal Nun by a rather negligent incubus. Merlin was baptized immediately on birth and used his powers for good.

FIEND (8 HD Devilkin Brute)

AC: 16 HD 8 HP 33
Resistance: 16;
Mods: W +2/N+6/S+10
Speed: 30'
Morale: +6
Stealth +2, Perception +2
Attack: +6 Damage: 3d8, bludgeoning (iron-shod big club) or slashing (dane axe)
Resistant: half damage from non-magic, non-silver weapons
Smash Attack: can reduce hit chance by -4, but add +8 to damage. Weakness: can be affected by holy water.

S+10, D +2, C+10, I +2,W+6,Ch+6

ENCHANTER (11 HD Devilkin Leader)

AC: 13 HD 11 HP 45
Resistance: 13; vs magic 22
Mods: W +3/N+7/S+12
Speed: 30'
Morale: +3 if alone, +12 if with minions
Stealth +7, Perception +7
Melee Attack: +3 Damage: 3d10, bludgeoning, staff
Magic Attack: +12: 55' diameter burst of fire, 3 times per fight, Dex to avoid
Enchantment Attack: +12: 30' range, 1 target, Wis Save or Charmed
Disguise: enchanter can magically take the illusionary appearance of any other person.
Obscuring Mist: 330'x330' area, limits sight to 15' to all but enchanter, advantage to Stealth to enchanter Adept: choose 2 spells for each enchanter to know/use
Resistant: half damage from non-magic, non-silver weapons
Weakness: can be affected by holy water.

S+3, D +2, C+3, I +2,W+6,Ch+6

devilkin.1578964050.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/14 01:07 by dave